Vacation leave... except there's no vacation (at all!!!). I know, I've been rambling so much about staying in the Philippines (or Manila for that matter) for a while now and that this is not the lifestyle that I have built over the past two years, and that I have been putting my life on hold for something bigger yada yada. You've heard the story. Even me was getting tired hearing it over and over in my head, believe me. That's just the way it is, though. I have to put up with it a little bit more longer. In the hopes that it'll all be worth it and I can finally resume living the way I want soon. So instead... I'll regale you with the misadventures I have been embarking lately (not that anyone is reading this but whatever).
I've made a huge decision to quit the job that I've been doing for almost three years now. It wasn't an easy decision. It kind of become my comfort zone, a security. However, it has reached its peak value and there's no point delaying the inevitable anymore. Since I haven't been using my leave credits (I mean, what's the point if I work remotely and can travel while doing my job), it has piled up to almost two and a half months' worth, which is more than enough to cover my two-month notice period. Oh how I wish I'm a jerk and would use those leave credits so I could skip this notice period, but I am not. So as much as I want to rest, I still go to work, and only uses the leave credits from time to time. At some point, it helps me, because I know I would be tempted to go on a real vacation when I have the time. I know that I would book that international flight — which somehow I am not allowed to take yet. I know that I would book the local flight — which isn't economical for me at this point. Yeah, it seems like I am talking in codes, but for the upcoming blog posts, it'll all make sense (I hope).
So yeah... while everyone is enjoying their summers in different parts of Europe and different Philippine beaches, I'm staying in Manila. Silver lining is I am spending as much time as I can with Pancho and Pluto. I've also been reading a lot lately. By a lot, I mean, a lot of texts and not a lot of books. I am still the slow pace reader who doesn't like to rush through books, but I wouldn't change a thing about it. I've also been busy apartment hunting, which I didn't realize is such a competitive market these days. One minute, I was only talking to the landlord. The next minute, a tenant was approved to move in already. And yeah... still more caffeine and no sleep.
More soon. X.
Ohh... and don't worry. Soon enough, you'll stop hearing about my ramblings about these things. The drought is finally coming to its end. *wink wink*
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